Greetings All!
I can hardly believe that I finally have my very own blog, but I am so excited to share thoughts with you and hear yours! Please remember to be respectful and considerate when commenting and have an open mind.
I wanted to start by explaining this blog's name--Selcouth. I personally had never heard of the word before today, but when thinking about my goal in creating this blog, it was perfect. The word selcouth describes some thing that is "rare, strange, marvelous, and wonderful"and as the theme of this blog is to be a to think about and discuss the world around us, I thought that selcouth summed up the earth and life perfectly!
We live in a world full of rare, strange, marvelous, and wonderful all at the same time and now let us explore it with the most amazing part of the human body--the mind.
I hope you will check in often and take part in this journey with me!